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Widgidtized Content Areas
Add sidebars and widgets above below and in the content Sidebars and widgets are a great feature of WordPress as they enable the user to add persistent content in all (or just big set of)…
Make sidebars float/stick to the the top of the page when scrolled
There are things that you just want to always keep in view of the people surfing your site. They might be site navigation options to help you expose more content, a contact form, an advertisement…
Prevent impersonation of registered users in the comments
How easy it is to impersonate someone in a comment? very much, all I need to do is claim that I am Barak Obama (insert any other celeb) and no one can prove that it…
Comment Policy Notice
What should someone expect when he submits a comment? Most likely that his comment will be published, and that his email address will stay confidential. Some times you will want to state those expectation explicitly…
Send an email notification when the post author replies to a comment
This plugin sends an email notification to a commenter when the author of a post replies to the comment. This is useful when you do not want to have a system of a non discriminated …
Find the real user IP from behind a proxy
Your WordPress might be installed behind a proxy, whether it is a load balancer, caching server (varnish), or just use a lighter server as a front end to the main one (nginx as a reverse…